History Repeating

What history’s greatest moments of political turmoil tell us about today’s extraordinary politics.


Business Standard

Country and Political Risk (Series)

Discover the latest thinking on managing geopolitical and macroeconomic risks for the banking, insurance and asset management sectors.

LEFT: 1st Edition (2004); RIGHT: 2nd Edition (2014).

A collection of essays by an impressive mix of mostly country risk practitioners … All together these essays make very useful and accessible contributions to the complex topic of country risk which is only becoming more difficult to manage with the rise of geo-political risks.

Mina Toksöz

Former Head of Country Risk, Standard Bank International

Kimchi Matters (Series)

Take a crash course in country analysis from a business school professor and three leading practitioners.

LEFT: Original Edition (2003); RIGHT: Updated Edition (2014).

Powerful … may be the first [political risk] book for businesspeople that presents its case with such clarity and insight.

Harvard Business Review