by Sam Wilkin | Jul 10, 2018 | Video
Sam explains why the March 2018 Italian elections may have more of an impact on Europe than Brexit. Video courtesy Eurasian Media Forum.
by Sam Wilkin | Mar 5, 2018 | Blog
Anyone just about recovered from the Brexit shock should spare a thought for Italy. About a decade ago, many middle-class Italians considered Silvio Berlusconi, a populist billionaire convicted of bribery and tax fraud, and known globally for his “Bunga Bunga”...
by Sam Wilkin | Aug 24, 2016 | Blog
The past decade has upended my profession almost entirely. I work in political risk, and my job is to advise companies how to manage political and economic instability. A coup in Turkey, sanctions against Russia, unrest in Venezuela, debt default in Argentina – such...
by Sam Wilkin | Jul 22, 2016 | Video
Sam explains why Brexit will be costly for the UK economy, regardless of the modelling assumptions used. (Sorry about the low talking: the day before I had given five hours of back-to-back media interviews to promote the Dutch edition of my book, and managed to lose...